The Georgia Senate Runoff: A Historic Election

Let’s set politics aside. Can we do that? It’s 2021, so maybe for a moment? It appears as of this morning that the Democratic Party won both Senate seats in the Georgia Senate Runoff election. As of now the Associated Press has declared candidate Raphael Warnock the winner and it appears that Jon Ossoff will likely extend his lead today to clinch the second Senate seat. I am not looking to gloat or complain about the winners and losers but I would like to contextualize the results of this election in the political, racial, and religious history of the state of Georgia.

Continue reading “The Georgia Senate Runoff: A Historic Election”

Will Stone Mountain Change?

For years there have been protests, clashes, economic boycotts, and proposals to change what one might call the Confederate Mt. Rushmore, Stone Mountain. Writers and bloggers alike (including me) have written pages to this controversial and gigantic Confederate Monument. Standing at nearly 1,700 ft. above sea level the mountain has a commanding presence in the surrounding Georgia landscape and perhaps even more so in the minds of Confederate apologists and social activists. For some, the mountain represents a homage and family attraction that celebrates history. To others, the mountain represents perhaps the largest monument to white supremacy in the world.

Continue reading “Will Stone Mountain Change?”

Confederate Monuments in the Upstate

There is obviously a lot of public excitement surrounding Confederate Monuments these days. As Kevin Levin recently posted on cwmemory, about seventy-six Confederate Monuments have been removed from public spaces by local citizens and governments. Calls for removal continue are ongoing in various parts of the country and these can be seen right here in the Upstate.

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From the Holler!: I’m Still Here

So it’s been awhile….

A lot has happened since I last updated this blog. I’ve moved, had a baby, celebrated an anniversary, and took on a new job in my career as an educator and coach. However, I’ve decided that I really want to revamp this blog and continue to explore various aspects of history, politics, education, and religion that intersect the community I live in, my life, and my sense of place. So cheers to you who still have this blog on your reader, I’m looking forward to writing again!

60 Minutes: Confederate Monuments

This stack of papers…..this stack of papers…

I’m definitely one of those teachers. I love teaching; I hate grading papers. I’m sure there are more of us than not. Regardless, I keep giving writing assignments to my students. Call me crazy, but I’d rather see students reflect on what they learned rather than circle answers. There is a lot to be said for this type of self reflection. Yesterday my AP U.S. History students concluded a unit on the American Civil War and Reconstruction with an exam…something I am currently grading. As a bookend to the unit I gave them something fresh. Continue reading “60 Minutes: Confederate Monuments”

Fort Sanders Monument: Memorial for the Dead or Lost Cause Propaganda?

The national debate surrounding Confederate monuments came home for the city of Knoxville this past weekend. A planned rally took place in the city in support of a local monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers who died at the Battle of Fort Sanders. According to local news affiliate the Knoxville News Sentinel, the rally was relatively peaceful with no violence, one arrest, and a lot of shouting. A source (yes, I’m being vague, get over it) told me that the event was first advertised on Stormfront, a white supremacist website, and that the organizer has ties to Christian Identity Groups and Neo-Nazis. Some members of the counter protest showed up with an ANTIFA banner but there was not any sign of black masks or assaults.Continue reading “Fort Sanders Monument: Memorial for the Dead or Lost Cause Propaganda?”

Descendants of Alexander Stephens Speak Out

Over the past few weeks I’ve written a couple of posts concerning the issue of Confederate monuments. Two of those posts dealt with the perspectives of Robert E. Lee and the descendants of a few prominent Confederates. Well, I can add one more to the list: the descendants of Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy.

Continue reading “Descendants of Alexander Stephens Speak Out”