Stupid Things People Say About the Civil War: Part 3

This gem comes right out of the comments section of part 2. I’m sure Al Mackey will get a kick out of this one, given the hours of research that went into his Fort Sumter series.

Austin says:

The Confederate States rightfully and properly assumed ownership of Confederate property. In instances where that ownership was lawlessly resisted, appropriate force was applied.

Thoughts? Observations?

12 thoughts on “Stupid Things People Say About the Civil War: Part 3

  1. “Thoughts? Observations?”

    My internal sensor has been irreparably damaged by this type’s willful stupidity and ignorance these days (not to mention turning 60), so. . .no.

  2. Apparently Austin thinks all one has to do is assert ownership and (poof!) it’s yours. Okay, Austin, I assert ownership of all your goods. Vacate your house immediately, leave the keys to your car on the kitchen table.

  3. [edit] Doesn’t matter that you and mackey delete my comments, I know the point is getting through because you have to at least read them!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. George, I did edit that comment because it’s a direct insult. I did not edit your last comment. And no, you do not know if they have gotten through to anyone. I can send your comments to spam and never see them again.

      1. Exactly what I do. Comments from George go right to the spam folder. I don’t even have to open them. I look on it as mercy to him. He’s embarrassed himself quite enough already.

        1. Speak of embarrassing comments Al,

          Read the comments section on Part 1 on this title. In particular the recent comments on Jefferson. Poor Austin Caldwell is making the same arguments on other pages and claiming victory, not realizing that Jefferson is not referring to the British Empire when he says the word, “secession.”

          1. I saw that comment and your response, Rob. I have long suspected that one has to have a fundamental malfunction to be a neoconfederate. Perhaps it’s some type of brain damage, a lack of intellect, or a lack of intellectual honesty, but something is not functioning correctly for them. It goes beyond simple desire to honor their family. The twisting of history and the apparent inability to comprehend plain language is bad enough, but the apparent need to embrace folks they never met and derive some type of personal identification and affirmation from what they believe those people did is just bizarre.

          2. It’s bizarre that he is still arguing this after being proven blatantly wrong. He misquoted Jefferson, out of context, but stands by this argument. It’s absurd.

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